Content com android browser home

Content com android browser home

Content com android browser home If you are into the internet (obviously, you are here and that should be a clear indication), you might have come across a unique code that you may face quite frequently on a browser. Yes, we are talking about the link or code that reads content com android browser home

What is content://

The content:// the message is a code or link used by almost all popular browsers. The link is used by a browser to set as the default home page on your browser. A smartphone browser comes with a default browser and a default homepage for your browser. However, there may be times when you may not be happy with the default browser and want to change it. If you are one of those., the tips here should ideally be useful and helpful.

The content:// is the link that is used to define the default homepage. Each of the different browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera use their own homepages unless you change it.

While the homepage is saved on the content:// link, most of the browsers let you make the changes to the settings. But, each of the browsers offers you different options to help you change the default homepage.

Understanding the best options to change the default homepage on different browsers can be quite helpful in more ways than one.

How to set default browser in an android phone?

First of all, you need to set up your default browser on your device. Setting any of your favorite browsers as the default browser is an easy task. You can configure any of the browsers such as Google How to delete bookmarks on chrome, Mozilla, and Opera.

The following method should ideally work on almost on all the Android smartphones –

  • On your Android device, go to
  • Go to your installed apps. The options here would be dependent on your individual device. Ideally, you should find it under Apps, App Manager, or similarly-named option under settings
  • Click on the three dots at the top right and click on Default Apps
  • Choose your favorite browser that you want to set as the default browser. You will be asked to choose among the browser you have installed on your phone.

That does it. You have successfully configured your favorite browser as the default browser.

Once the default browser has been set, the next step would be to configure the default homepage on your browser. Each of the browsers has different options for the purpose.

Google Chrome

Follow the steps here below –

  • Launch Google Chrome browser
  • Tap on the three-dot menu at the top right corner
  • Tap on Settings and locate the option for Homepage
  • Tap on it and type in the URL you want to be the default homepage on your browser.

There may be cases, you may not find the Homepage option. In that case, you would need to enable the Homepage option. Here are the steps you can opt for if you want to make the Homepage option visible –

  • On the address bar, type in and visit Chrome://flags/
  • Search for the flag Force Enable Home Page Button and enable it.

Once the Homepage is enabled, you can move ahead to change the default homepage.

Mozilla Firefox

Here are the steps you can make use of –

  • Launch your Mozilla Firefox browser
  • Tap on three dots menu and pick the browser settings.
  • Choose the General option from the settings
  • Next, go to the HOME option and configure your homepage.
  • Choose the option Custom to make the changes.


You can follow the steps here below to configure the homepage –

  • Launch your Opera or Opera Mini browser.
  • Click or tap the Opera icon at the bottom. This will open Opera browser settings
  • Launch Settings
  • Disable the News option on the homepage section
  • Disable the other options such as trending searches, recent searches, and Opera notifications
  • Go back to Opera Homepage
  • Delete all the Speed Dials sites
  • Click on the + (Plus) icon
  • Enter the URL for the site that you want to open as Homepage
  • Save your settings.

That does is and you have successfully changed the default homepage for your needs.

Why do you need a Homepage?

Well, the default homepage on a browser would offer you several advantages. The option Content com android browser home proves to be extremely useful and practical. If you have been changing your locations quite frequently, or make use of WiFi connections, you would prefer using a plugin instead of opting for the custom front page or homepage.

Changing settings can be one of the best options in the long run. If you do not change the homepage or set a default homepage, you are likely to get access to the error messages that state that you are using an insecure connection.

How to remove content://
The Content com android browser home is the default URL of the inbuilt app on an Android device. There are situations that you would find the browser and homepage is quite worse and the interface isn’t great.

If you do not like the Homepage that has been set, it would be an exceptional option to ensure that the contents in the content:// are deleted and a new homepage is configured.

In a poorly designed browser, the content:// may give access to unwanted links and bloatware. In such circumstances, you would want to remove the unwanted content in the section, the tips stated above should ideally be helpful in achieving the best solution to the issues you may be facing.

The Concluding Thoughts

Changing or configuring the Content com android browser home can be an excellent option to help you achieve the best experience for your browsing. It can even help you boost your productivity and make your browsing extremely easier and simpler.

The best options to configure your homepage settings can definitely prove to be an exciting option ever. The information on the content:// offered here should ideally be helpful in achieving all the benefits. The configuration options for setting up your default home page in different browsers can prove to be a great option ever. We assume this article would come truly handy for you in achieving the best results.

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