Home Internet With rising costs everywhere and advancements in technology, home internet isn’t as cheap as it used to be. Like other utilities, monthly internet bills everywhere are subjected to price hikes, equipment lease fees, add-on costs, and more.
Luckily there are ways to avoid handing out more of your hard-earned money than you have to for good internet service. If you’re looking to save money on home internet, you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to dive into ways you can save on your internet without compromising your service here. Let’s get started!
Buy Your Own Modem & Router
Home Internet Are you leasing your modem and router from your internet provider? If so, you could be saving yourself up to $15 a month if you were to purchase your modem and router instead. While there’s generally nothing wrong with leasing your equipment, purchasing your modem and router instead comes with its own advantages. For example, if you plan on staying with your internet provider for a long time, you could actually wind up paying more in lease fees than their lent equipment would cost you to own yourself plus you still have to give it back someday. Not only can you save money over time when you stop leasing, but you can also get better equipment that has the features you want. New routers have better security, wider range, and parental controls that routers from a few years ago simply don’t have.
Check If You Qualify For Any Low-Cost Internet Programs
Nowadays the Home Internet is just as essential as your electric, water, or gas utilities and everyone deserves to be connected regardless of their income. From attending classes remotely, to working remotely, paying bills, and simply keeping in touch with family members; all these activities need an internet connection at home. Thankfully many programs have recognized this need and low-cost internet is available to those who qualify under their specified income guidelines.
Home Internet If you qualify for any low-cost internet programs you can expect to pay anywhere from as low as $10 a month to as high as $30 a month depending on which program you go through and what internet providers are available at your address. Each program has different guidelines and requirements so if you truly cannot afford to pay for internet service, don’t give up. You have options out there and programs that want to help you.
Lower Your Internet Plan
While we don’t necessarily recommend this option, it’s still an option. To save money on the internet, you could switch to a lower internet plan if there’s one available with your internet provider. Buyer beware that if you do decide to try this option, do not scrimp so much on internet service that your internet will be slow to use.
Bundle Your TV & Internet
Are you already bundling your TV and internet service? If not, it’s time to consider bundling them up. Most internet providers also have TV services and will offer you a discounted rate on both services when you bundle them together.
Contrary to what many believe, just because you’re bundling your TV and internet service, doesn’t mean you’re going to necessarily be overpaying for more service than you need or have to compromise on internet speeds or channel selection. These days providers have a wide range of options and to get a bundled deal, all you have to do is ask about them.
Negotiate With Your Internet Provider
Home Internet When all else fails or you just want to cut to the chase, call your internet provider. Their customer service team is there to help you and just let them know you want a better rate. Before you pick up the phone, do your research on what other providers are available at your address and what deals they are currently offering to new customers. Only with this knowledge and a positive attitude will you be ready to negotiate with your internet provider for a better monthly rate.
Your internet provider may be able to price match a competitor, reduce your monthly fee to their current promotional pricing or switch you to a bundle package that lowers your cost and better suits your needs. They don’t want to lose you as a customer so it’s definitely worth your time calling in and seeing what.